How to Finally Quit Vaping: Tips and Tricks for Success


Posted Mar 23, 2023

Reads 6.7K

Woman Leaning on Table
Credit:, Woman Leaning on Table

If you're looking for advice on how to quit vaping, you're not alone. Millions of people across the world have become addicted to e-cigarettes and other vape products, and many are struggling to break free. Fortunately, there are a range of tips and tricks that can help you finally quit vaping for good.

In recent years, the FDA has started taking action against vape products in an effort to reduce their popularity among young people. Organizations like the Truth Initiative, a nonprofit public health organization known for its memorable anti-smoking campaigns, have also been working hard to help people stop vaping. One of the most innovative tools created by the Truth Initiative is a first-of-its-kind texting-based tool designed to help people quit vaping. With these resources and others like them, it's never been easier to kick your nicotine habit for good.

Truth Initiative’s new program is explicitly for people who want to quit vaping.

People Holding A Poster Asking About The Truth In Coronavirus
Credit:, People Holding A Poster Asking About The Truth In Coronavirus

Truth Initiative has recently launched a program specifically designed for those who want to quit vaping. This is a great move, as putting vape users in a separate category from smokers experts recognize that kicking the habit of electronic cigarettes poses unique challenges. While quitting regular cigarettes trapido has always been a daunting task, quitting vaping comes with its own set of difficulties, including things like social acceptance and habit compared to traditional cigarettes. With vape-users ages ranging from teens to adults, Truth Initiative's new cessation program accounting for these good reasons will surely be beneficial for those looking to quit.

Why Nicotine Replacement is a Legitimate Way to Quit Smoking

Scary Clown Smoking
Credit:, Scary Clown Smoking

Quitting vaping or smoking can be super tough, and the withdrawal symptoms can be pretty uncomfortable. That's why nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products exist. These products provide nicotine in a consistent dose to help you avoid that nicotine rush from smoking or vaping, while also reducing your cravings and managing withdrawal symptoms.

If you've smoked traditional cigarettes for years, experts recommend starting NRT with a higher dosage to match your current nicotine intake. It's worth repeating that quitting vaping or smoking can be tough, but using NRT products can make it much more manageable. While NRT doesn't address emotional vaping triggers, it does provide a good way to quit program.

It isn't recommended to begin NRT without consulting your healthcare provider first. They'll help you determine which product is right for you and how long you should use it. But overall, using NRT is a good idea if you're looking to quit vaping or smoking and want some extra support along the way. Remember that every person's journey will be different, but using these types of products can make the process more manageable and ultimately lead to success in quitting for good.

1. What about cigarettes?

While vaping may be a safer option than smoking cigarettes, it's important to note that it still carries health risks. Vaping-related illnesses, such as lung injuries and other health effects including lung disease and cancer, have been reported. Additionally, nicotine addiction can still occur with vaping just like it does with cigarettes. If you're trying to quit vaping, switching back to cigarettes is not the answer. Instead, consider seeking support from a healthcare professional or smoking cessation program to help you break free from nicotine addiction altogether.

Vaping: A Clear and Present Danger


Vaping nicotine products, while marketed as a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes, can bring potentially dangerous chemicals into your body. Although vaping has not been studied extensively for decades like smoking has, there is growing evidence that suggests long-term effects may be just as harmful as smoking. If you are looking to quit vaping, it's important to understand the potential risks and take steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

1. Effects of vaping

Vaping has become increasingly popular over the years, but what many people don't realize is the harmful effects it can have on their health. Vaping products contain a variety of chemicals that can cause serious lung injury and even lung disease. In fact, there is a specific lung condition called EVALI (e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury) that has been linked to vaping.

One of the most concerning ingredients found in many vapes is a psychoactive compound called THC, which makes people feel high. Another common ingredient is nicotine, which can be just as addictive as traditional cigarettes. If you're looking to quit vaping, it's important to understand these harmful effects and take steps to protect your health.

2. Risk for nicotine addiction

The pressing danger of nicotine addiction is one of the reasons why it's crucial to quit vaping. According to Dr. Choi, vaping states that e-cigarettes contain a high concentration of nicotine that can lead to addiction in a short time. Unlike smoking cigarettes, vaping doesn't require the user to finish a full pack or even a full cartridge before experiencing the effects of nicotine.

Restrictions put in place by some states have helped reduce the number of teens who vape, but it's essential to understand the dangers associated with e-liquid cartridges. Nicotine addiction Dr. Choi explains is real and can lead to severe health issues if not addressed timely. The first step towards quitting vaping is accepting that there's an issue and seeking help from professionals who can guide you through the process.

How Your Age Influences the Messages You Receive


Age plays a crucial role in the messages people receive about quitting vaping. For instance, truth initiative researchers found that younger teens are more likely to receive messages reflecting the dangers of Juuling specifically. On the other hand, adults talk more about NRT products and access to treatment options for nicotine addiction users. Age groups tend to widen the spectrum of information explaining how NRT works, including important call-outs such as requiring parental permission for minors.

For adolescents, Dr. Shelley Graham advises providing cessation assistance that includes both stress-management tips and emotionally supportive resources. In a UK study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 886 smokers were tracked with traditional nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) methods compared to an e-cigarette group. At the one-year mark, 80 percent of successful quitters had essentially traded smoking for vaping in the e-cigarette group compared to only 9 percent in the NRT group.

For those aged between 17-18 and over-24 crowds, messaging focuses on product comparison and emphasizing access to various treatments. It's essential to understand how age influences messaging so people can receive appropriate information and resources based on their age bracket. By understanding these factors and seeking out appropriate support systems, individuals can make informed decisions when it comes time to quit vaping.

Finally, A Resource That Experts Have Been Waiting For!


There's a big gap in public health resources when it comes to vaping. Many young people are turning to vaping and weed vaporizers as an easy fix for their nicotine addiction, but quitting can be pretty hard. However, the Truth Initiative program has come up with a major step forward in helping people stop.

Dr. Shelley Trapido agrees that the Truth Initiative program is a game changer. It's not a magic cure like Dr. Klein suggests, but it's an easy trapido that people should take advantage of. By working with their primary care doctor and utilizing tobacco products cessation resources, lower addiction rates can be achieved.

It takes repeated attempts to quit vaping, but this new resource offered by the Truth Initiative program makes it easier for even total beginners to get started. E-cigarette retailers need to do their part to curb teen vaping by promoting this resource and encouraging customers to seek help from their primary care doctor. With the help of public health resources like the Truth Initiative program, we can work towards a healthier future for all.

Give Yourself Grace: Accepting Mishaps on the Way to Success

Quitting vaping is a daunting task, but it's not impossible. According to the American Cancer Society, only a small percentage of smokers succeed on their first attempt, and the same goes for vaping. It's essential to remember that words slip-ups happen, and they don't define your success or failure.

Having a strong support system can make all the difference when quitting vaping. If you're having a hard time staying motivated or reminding yourself why you're doing this, reach out to someone who understands what you're going through. Coping strategies like deep breathing don't work for everyone, so try varying your routine and avoid situations that trigger cravings.

Remember that quitting vaping is like trying to stop a horse committing to new habits takes time and patience. Don't beat yourself up if you slip up; instead, give yourself grace and keep moving forward. Motivation is essential in this journey, so find ways to keep it strong and remind yourself of why you started in the first place. With perseverance and positivity, you can quit vaping and improve your health in just 40 days!

Cold turkey vs. gradually quitting: Is one better?

 Silhouette Of A Horse With Sled on Snow Covered Ground
Credit:, Silhouette Of A Horse With Sled on Snow Covered Ground

When it comes to quitting vaping, there are two common methods: the cold turkey method and gradually quitting by cutting back on usage. Research suggests that both methods can be effective for quitting completely, but which one is better?

In a 2016 study of 697 cigarette smokers, researchers found evidence that those who quit cold turkey had greater long-term success than those who quit gradually. At the 4-week point, the quit rates were similar between the two groups, but by the 6-month follow-ups, the cold turkey group had a higher success rate. This held true even when factors such as nicotine dependence were taken into account.

However, a 2019 review of randomized controlled trials considered the gold standard of research found evidence to suggest people may have more success quitting abruptly or using the cold turkey method for smoking cessation but did not have enough studies specifically focused on vaping to draw any conclusions yet. Ultimately, the end goal is quitting completely and how an individual goes about doing that should depend on their personal preference and what they feel most comfortable with.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I end up vaping again?

If you end up vaping again, don't be too hard on yourself. Take a step back and assess what triggered the relapse. Then, develop a plan to avoid those triggers in the future and seek support from friends or professionals if needed.

Is it hard to quit vaping?

Yes, quitting vaping can be difficult due to the addictive nature of nicotine. However, there are resources and support available to those looking to quit.

How to fight the urge to vape?

To fight the urge to vape, try distracting yourself with a different activity or finding a support system. Remind yourself of your reasons for quitting and seek professional help if needed.

How to manage vaping cravings?

To manage vaping cravings, try distracting yourself with a different activity, using a nicotine patch or gum, or seeking support from friends and family. It's important to remember that cravings will eventually pass and to stay motivated in your goal to quit vaping.

What are the benefits of quitting vaping?

Quitting vaping can lead to improved lung function, reduced risk of respiratory infections, and better overall health.

Roger Vogel

Lead Writer

Roger Vogel is a seasoned writer with an extensive background in journalism, creative writing, and content marketing. He has developed a reputation for creating engaging, informative content that resonates with readers and drives traffic to websites. Throughout his career, Roger has worked with a diverse range of clients across numerous industries, including healthcare, technology, finance, and more.